Film Emulation Lightroom Presets: The Complete Collection (2023)

Fujicolor 400 N stands out because it not only gives the image a retro film effect but also preserves the natural look of the picture. It's perfect for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor shots. Free dwonload here:

Kodak Porta Inspired Lightroom Presets - Free Download

Explore the 35mm Vintage Analog Film Lightroom Presets from Presetum and unlock the secrets of the past. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of film and give your photos that distinct vintage look that never goes out of style.

Ever wanted your digitals to look exactly like the FILM ANALOG? Look no further!

The free film Lightroom presets bundle from Presetum encompasses an array of meticulously crafted presets, each emulating the unique characteristics of renowned film stocks. From the timeless beauty of Kodak Portra to the striking contrast of Ilford HP5, this collection has it all. By applying these presets to your digital images, you can instantly evoke the look and feel of shooting on real film.

How to get that "Retro & Film" photos?

Are you a fan of the vintage look or the film aesthetics? Do you want to add a touch of nostalgia to your photographs? If yes, then Lightroom presets can help you achieve your desired look. In this blog post, we will discuss Retro & Film Lightroom presets and how they can help you transform your photos.

Lightroom Mobile Editing Tips For Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a challenging genre to master, but with the right editing tools and techniques, you can transform your images from ordinary to extraordinary. In this post, we'll share some tips for editing landscape photos in the Lightroom mobile app, including the use of Lightroom presets.

Best Lightroom presets for landscape photography

Landscape photography is one of the most popular genres of photography, and for good reason. Capturing the beauty of nature is both challenging and rewarding. However, editing landscape photos can also be a daunting task.

How to use Lightroom presets for consistent Instagram look

Instagram is an incredibly popular platform for sharing photos, and many users spend a lot of time perfecting their feed to ensure it looks its best. One of the best ways to create an eye-catching Instagram feed is by using Lightroom presets.

Effortless Editing: A Beginner's Guide to Using Lightroom Presets

If you're a photographer or just someone who loves taking pictures, you've probably heard of Lightroom presets. Presets are pre-configured settings that can be applied to your images in Adobe Lightroom, a popular photo editing software.

Mastering the Art of Photo Editing: A Comprehensive Guide to Adobe Lightroom

If you're a photographer or just someone who loves taking pictures, you've probably heard of Adobe Lightroom. It's a powerful photo editing application that offers a wide range of tools to help you improve your photos. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at Lightroom and explore some of its features.

The 10 Pillars Of Landscape Photography

There are a lot of things you should focus on while photographing landscape images. Here are the 10 pillars of landscape photography that will make your photos more successful.

7+1 Tips For Creating an Aesthetic Instagram Feed

Want to create a feed that catches the eye of new followers? This is something you have to know before creating the perfect IG feed.

7+1 Essential Tips For Creating That Aesthetic "Film" Photos

Love that film & vintage aesthetic as much as we do? Then you have to know these essential tips for maximizing the full potential of your photos.

7+1 Killer Tips That Will Change Your Flower Photography Forever

If you want to improve your flower photography but don't know where to start, this article will introduce you to the most important tips for creating professional flower photos!

7+1 Most Important Photography Tips To Create Killer Wildlife Photos

Want to create eye-catching wildlife photos? Here are the most important tips every wildlife photographer should know!

What Are Lightroom Presets?

What is Lightroom? What is a Lightroom preset? Learn this and more here!

7+1 Most Important Photography Tips To Create Killer Wildlife Photos

Want to create eye-catching wildlife photos? Here are the most important tips every wildlife photographer should know!

Here are some tips for creating killer wildlife photos:

  1. Research and prepare: Learn about the wildlife you want to photograph, its behavior, habitat, and preferred locations. This will help you plan your shots and increase your chances of capturing the perfect moment.
  2. Be patient: Wildlife photography requires patience and perseverance. You may need to wait for hours or even days to capture the perfect moment.
  3. Focus on Weather or Water Elements: While fog and mist are often the go-to choices for introducing weather into your shots, rain and snow can also be highly effective in creating a particular mood. I like to seek out subjects that either seem to love or loathe the rain, and then focus on capturing their expressions. When shooting in the rain, it's important to use a longer lens with a hood to prevent any water from getting on the lens. For wider shots, I find that a plastic shower cap can come in handy as a quick and easy solution. Additionally, water can create some fantastic splashes, especially when the wildlife is wet and shakes off. If you're shooting in the rain, consider backlighting your subject to capture the water droplets as they fly through the air. The combination of rain and water droplets can create a truly stunning effect in your photos.
  4. Use light to your advantage: Try to shoot during the golden hour (early morning or late afternoon) when the light is soft and warm. Avoid shooting in harsh midday sunlight or in low light conditions.
  5. Freeze the action: Using a fast shutter speed can help you freeze the action and capture sharp, detailed images of wildlife in motion. This is especially important when photographing fast-moving animals like birds. Use a shutter speed that is at least 5 times the focal length of your lens, so if you're using a 200mm lens, use a shutter speed of at least 1/1000th of a second. You may need to increase your ISO or use a wider aperture to achieve the desired shutter speed, but it's worth it to capture sharp, detailed images of your subjects in motion.
  6. Be creative: Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and compositions. Look for interesting patterns, textures, and colors in the environment to add visual interest to your photos.
  7. Practice, practice, practice: The more you shoot, the better you will become. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new techniques to improve your skills.

Bonus tip:

Enhance the eyes: In wildlife photography, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and they can make or break a shot. To make the eyes pop, you can use the Adjustment Brush tool in Lightroom to brighten and sharpen them. You can also add a subtle catchlight to make the eyes sparkle and give your subject more life. Be careful not to overdo it, though, as too much editing can make your photo look unnatural.